Calciform Hi-D3

Calciform Hi-D3



New Formula

Fully water soluble Calcium and with high levels of Vitamin D3, especially designed for all cage and aviary birds when Calcium deficiency may be suspected or during breeding.

New formula CALCIFORM HiD3 will last 8 times longer than the old product, requiring from just 2.5ml (previously 20ml) per 2 litres of drinking water.

Calcium is the most important mineral required by cage and aviary birds. The hen requires a greater amount for egg formation and chicks need the Calcium for skeletal growth.

Calcium deficiency is still the biggest problem in cage and aviary birds with the shortage of usable calcium impacting egg laying and binding, hens unable to lay or breed and chicks with broken bones.

Calcium deficiency can lead to a host of health problems such as nervousness, aggression and feather plucking.


  • Essential for when calcium deficiency may be suspected or during breeding
  • For strong bones and shell quality
  • Specifically formulated for avian use
  • The most economical high specification avian Calcium supplement
  • Increases blood Calcium
  • Fully water soluble

100ml= £14.95 with measuring cup makes up to 80 litres

250ml = £24.95 with measuring cup makes up to 200 litres
