Pantochol Cagebird 100ml

Pantochol Cagebird 100ml


Improvement of condition and natural resistance.



Each ml contains:
Sorbitol 200 mg
Propylene glycol 30 mg
L-Carnitine HCl 25 mg
Choline chloride 19 mg
DL Methionine 10 mg
Magnesium sulphate 10 mg
Cynarine (artichoke extract) 5 mg


Improvement of condition and natural resistance.
Protection of kidneys, liver and nervous system.
Promotion of protein metabolism and muscle building.
Improvement of energy utilization and metabolism of fatty acids, thanks to L-carnitine.
Support of the intestinal health.
Extra support during the breeding season.
Optimal feather development.
Recommended after vaccinations, antibiotic treatment.
Pantochol Cagebirds is indicated to administer before and during breeding season, during moulting and before shows.

Dosage and administration:

Oral administration via the drinking water.
Cage birds: 10 ml per 1 litre drinking water.
During moulting: administer daily.
After a cure with antibiotics: administer for 7 consecutive days.
Before breeding season: administer for 7 consecutive days.
Before shows: administer for 7 consecutive days.
Change treated water daily and supply as sole source of drinking water for treatment duration.


Store closed at 15 -25 °C, protected from light.


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